Beauty Tips - Product Reviews - How To's


Friday, April 24, 2009

Grow Thicker Longer Lashes

I have a couple of clients who are using Revitalash - Eyelash Conditioner - 4.10ml/.139fl.oz.
I hadn't heard about this product until maybe a month ago. RevitaLash is a formula that you apply to your lash line daily & it causes your lashes to grow thicker & longer! I couldn't believe it.

The scoop is that RevitaLash and similar products were developed when glaucoma patients using glaucoma medicinal eye drops were growing thicker and longer lashes! So they bottled up this potion and now are selling the magical elixir. The only draw back that I have heard is that your eye color may change permanently one shade darker.

I kinda like my eye color so I don't think RevitaLash is for me. Besides I steer clear of medications whenever possible. But if your not concerned about any of that it might be worth a try. Revitalash runs on average $150, but I know you can get a great deal on Amazon.

If you are using or start using RevitaLash I would love to hear how it is working for you! And maybe see a before and after picture? To do that just post a comment here or email me at

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